Welcome to Best Local Lawyer Guide & Legal Directory

Best Local Lawyer Guide is your number one online source for all your attorney needs nationwide! From personal injury and divorce lawyers to tax and nursing home abuse lawyers, we provide links to all kinds of attorneys ready to help you right in your area. Our site is easy to use and you’ll find it very helpful in your search for legal advice.

From the Deep South to the Pacific Northwest, you’ll find the right attorney for your specific needs with just a couple of clicks of your mouse! Using the list to the right, click on your state to choose from a list of lawyer types in your area.

You’ll have the opportunity to view several attorneys in your area that can best help with your needs.

Best Local Attorneys

When searching for the best lawyers to represent your case, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Field of Practice.  Be sure to seek lawyers specializing in the type of law you need.  Some lawyers will work on all types of cases, but the best lawyers specialize in a single area.  Use this site to identify what type of specialist will be the best lawyer for you.
  • Years Practicing.  Again, it’s vital that you seek out lawyers with a significant amount of experience practicing in the area of law that you need help with.  The best lawyers have distinguished themselves in their expertise for years or even decades.
  • Reputation.  A good way to judge the best lawyers is to look at their colleagues.  Are they respected by other lawyers and by judges in the area?  This indicates they are honest, well-established, and work well with others.  Their relationships may help your case.  You can also seek out previous clients to learn about their experience working with a lawyer.
  • Resources.  Lawyers in a large firm have assets that smaller firms cannot offer.  Some of the best lawyers are not in large firms, but being part of a large firm means your lawyers will have the money to cover their costs upfront.  If your case is complicated, the best lawyers for you would be one in a large firm.  Lawyers from small firms may be tempted to settle if they cannot cover the costs of your trial. A large law firm also boasts support staff to aid in research for your case.
  • Track Record.  Be sure to research among the best lawyers to determine which ones leave their clients most satisfied.  Referrals from people you trust in the community are a good way to find the best lawyers for you.
  • Your instinct. Ultimately, finding the best lawyers for your case comes down to your own judgment.  Do the lawyers respond to your phone call promptly?  Do they seem to care about your problem?  Do you feel that they are listening to you and expressing empathy?  The best lawyers will be the ones who put you at ease because you know they have your interest at heart.

Recent Best Attorney Reviews

Within this site, you’ll find explanations of the different types of lawyers and listings of the best lawyers for each type.  Browse the following categories to determine which type is the best lawyer for you.  Click on the links to learn in-depth about each type of case and the best lawyers for your needs.

Top 10 Best San Antonio DWI Lawyers

Best DWI Attorneys in San Antonio Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is considered a serious criminal offense in San Antonio and its surrounding areas. Facing a DUI charge can be life-altering,…

Top 10 Best Austin DWI Lawyers

Best DWI Attorneys in Austin Finding a qualified and experienced DWI lawyer to defend you is crucial if you have been charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI). A competent DWI…

Best DWI Lawyers in Anaheim

Top 10 Best Anaheim DUI Lawyers If you have been arrested and charged with DUI in Anaheim, it is important to seek legal advice from an experienced attorney who can…

Top 10 Best Criminal Attorneys in Dallas

Best Dallas Criminal Lawyers Facing criminal charges in Dallas is a daunting experience, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Hiring a criminal attorney at the right time…

Top 10 Best Criminal Attorneys in Fort Worth

Best Fort Worth Criminal Lawyers When facing criminal charges, finding the right legal representation can make all the difference in the results of your case. Tarrant County has a pool…

Prenup Lawyers Texas

Top Texas Prenup Lawyers (by City)

Finding the Best Texas Prenup Lawyer Getting married is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. However, no one wants to think about what happens if things don’t…

Criminal Lawyers Austin

Top 10 Best Austin Criminal Lawyers

Best Criminal Lawyers in Austin If you are facing criminal charges in Austin, Texas, it is crucial that you hire a good defense attorney to represent you. No matter how…

Best Austin Car Accident Attorneys

Top 10 Best Austin Car Accident Lawyers

Best Car Accident Attorneys in Austin When finding the right legal representation after a car accident, it’s important to research and compare the top attorneys in your area. There are…

Best Dallas Car Accident attorneys

Top 10 Best Dallas Car Accident Lawyers

Best Car Accident Attorneys in Dallas Dallas is one of the most dangerous cities to drive in the US, with an alarming rate of fatalities compared to other cities in…

Best Austin Divorce Attorneys

Top 10 Best Austin Divorce Attorneys

Best Divorce Lawyers in Austin Let’s face it! A divorce can be amicable or nasty, depending on the parties involved. This requires more than just knowledge of Texas divorce laws….

Local Lawyer Guide Blog

Child Testimony in Family Court

Child Testimony in Family Law Cases In family law cases, involving children as witnesses is generally avoided due to concerns about their reliability. However, there are situations where a child’s…

California Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial Agreement in California As you prepare for marriage, you are probably thinking about everything but a prenuptial agreement. However, even people in rock-solid relationships sometimes choose to sign a…

Personal Injury

Personal injury lawsuits allow victims who have suffered serious harm through no fault to seek monetary compensation for their losses, including physical pain, mental anguish, and financial hardship. If you have been seriously injured due to another party’s negligence or wrongdoing, you may be eligible to file a personal injury claim to recover your damages.

Criminal Law / DUI

Criminal law cases involve infractions against state or federal laws, including drunk driving charges, assault, battery, drug possession, and more. If you have been accused of a misdemeanor or felony, you may face terrible consequences such as huge fines or incarceration. The best way to ensure your rights and interests are fully protected is to contact a highly qualified criminal defense attorney who can help you build a strong case.

Divorce & Family Law

Divorce law encompasses family issues relating to marriage, divorce, children, and money. Because the areas covered under divorce law tend to be of sensitive nature and the laws vary from state to state, it is wise to seek the assistance of an experienced divorce attorney who can ensure your legal rights and interests are fully protected.

Criminal Law

Most lawyers are in private practice, concentrating on criminal or civil law. In criminal law, lawyers represent individuals charged with crimes and argue their cases in courts of law. Attorneys dealing with civil law assist clients with litigation, wills, trusts, contracts, mortgages, titles, and leases. Other lawyers handle only public-interest cases—civil or criminal—which may have an impact extending well beyond the individual client.

Corporate Law

Lawyers are sometimes employed full-time by a single client. If the client is a corporation, the lawyer is known as “house counsel” and usually advises the company concerning legal issues related to its business activities. These issues might involve patents, government regulations, contracts with other companies, property interests, or collective bargaining agreements with unions.

Government Lawyers

A significant number of attorneys are employed at various levels of government. Lawyers who work for State attorneys general, prosecutors, public defenders, and courts play a key role in the criminal justice system. At the Federal level, attorneys investigate cases for the U.S. Department of Justice and other agencies. Government lawyers also help develop programs, draft and interpret laws and legislation, establish enforcement procedures, and argue civil and criminal cases on behalf of the government.

Legal Aid Lawyers

Other lawyers work for legal aid societies—private, nonprofit organizations established to serve disadvantaged people. These lawyers generally handle civil, rather than criminal, cases. A relatively small number of trained attorneys work in law schools. Most are faculty members specializing in one or more subjects; however, some serve as administrators. Others work full-time in nonacademic settings and teach part-time.

Lawyers increasingly use various forms of technology to perform their varied tasks more efficiently. Although all lawyers continue to use law libraries to prepare cases, some supplement conventional printed sources with computer sources, such as the Internet and legal databases. The software automatically searches this legal literature and identifies legal texts relevant to a specific case. In litigation involving many supporting documents, lawyers may use computers to organize and index material. Lawyers also utilize electronic filing, videoconferencing, and voice-recognition technology to share information more effectively with other parties involved in a case.

Attorney Training & Accreditation

To practice law in the courts of any State or other jurisdiction, a person must be licensed or admitted to its bar under rules established by the jurisdiction’s highest court. All States require that applicants for admission to the bar pass a written bar examination; most States also require applicants to pass a separate written ethics examination. Lawyers admitted to the bar in one state may occasionally be admitted to the bar in another without examining if they meet the latter jurisdiction’s standards of good moral character and a specified period of legal experience. In most cases, however, lawyers must pass the bar examination in each State where they plan to practice. Federal courts and agencies set their qualifications for those practicing before or in them. Read More About Training & Accreditation

A Little About The Type of Work Attorneys Do

The legal system affects nearly every aspect of our society, from buying a home to crossing the street. Lawyers form the backbone of this vital system, linking it to society in numerous ways. Therefore, they hold positions of great responsibility and must adhere to a strict code of ethics.Read More

Lawyers, also called attorneys, act as advocates and advisors. As advocates, they represent one of the parties in criminal and civil trials by presenting evidence and arguing in court to support their client. As advisors, lawyers counsel their clients concerning their legal rights and obligations and suggest particular courses of action in business and personal matters. Whether acting as an advocate or advisor, all attorneys research the intent of laws and judicial decisions and apply the law to the specific circumstances faced by their clients.

The more detailed aspects of a lawyer’s job depend upon his or her field of specialization and position. Although all lawyers are licensed to represent parties in court, some appear more frequently than others. Trial lawyers specializing in trial work must think quickly and speak with ease and authority. In addition, familiarity with courtroom rules and strategy is particularly important in trial work. Still, trial lawyers spend most of their time outside the courtroom, conducting research, interviewing clients and witnesses, and handling other details to prepare for a trial.

Lawyer Specialization

Lawyers may specialize in several areas, such as bankruptcy, probate, international, or elder law. For example, those specializing in environmental law may represent interest groups, waste disposal companies, or construction firms in their dealings with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other Federal and State agencies. These lawyers help clients prepare and file for licenses and applications for approval before certain activities may occur. In addition, they represent clients’ interests in administrative adjudications.

Some lawyers specialize in the growing field of intellectual property, helping to protect clients’ claims to copyrights, artwork under contract, product designs, and computer programs. Still, other lawyers advise insurance companies about the legality of insurance transactions, guiding the company in writing insurance policies to conform with the law and to protect the companies from unwarranted claims. When claims are filed against insurance companies, these attorneys review the claims and represent the companies in court.

Attorneys – Additional Information

If you are seriously considering hiring an attorney, once you locate an attorney you are comfortable with, do an extensive interview process, and do not be afraid to ask the tough questions. How long have they been practicing? What is their success rate? What type of experience do they have with your type of cases? What are their hourly fees? Some lawyers may even negotiate their prices, while others have a strict policy of never negotiating a price.