Car Accident Lawyers

A car accident attorney is one who specializes in protecting and maximizing the rights of people who have been involved in a car accident. The services of a car accident attorney can be valuable to anyone involved in a car accident, whether they or another party were at fault in the accident. The help of a car accident attorney can be particularly crucial in car accident cases involving personal injury or significant property damage.

With nearly 6.2 million car accidents reported in 2019, it is easy to understand how car accidents have become one of the leading causes of death and injury in the United States. Car accident injuries can range in severity from minor scratches and bruises to catastrophic injuries like paralysis and amputated limbs. Fortunately, car accident victims have legal rights, including the right to pursue economic recovery for their losses and suffering.

Car Accident Injuries

The most commonly sustained injury in car accidents is whiplash. However, brain injuries, broken limbs, muscle injuries, and paralysis can also occur. Sadly, many of the injuries sustained in car accidents prove to have unforeseen repercussions. Many people are forced to deal with pain, immobility, or other afflictions for the rest of their lives. Regardless of the type or severity of the injury, those hurt in a car accident may be entitled to seek compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.

Car Accident Causes

While the causes of car accidents vary widely, a significant number of them can be attributed to driver negligence. Some of the common ways driver negligence can cause car accidents are:

  • Driving inappropriately for inclement weather
  • Driving inappropriately for road conditions
  • Inattentive driver
  • Sleepy driver
  • Improperly maintained vehicle
  • Drunk driver
  • Reckless driver

Accidents can also be caused by faulty equipment, road hazards, and factors outside of or in addition to driver error.

Car Accidents and the Law

Victims of car accidents may be eligible to receive compensation for their past and future medical expenses, lost wages, decreased earning capacity, and pain and suffering. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a car accident, please contact us for a FREE consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer who will answer all your questions, examine your case thoroughly, and make sure you get any compensation you may be entitled to.

Your Legal Rights

A car accident attorney can be a valuable legal advocate and advisor in any car accident case. A car accident attorney has intimate knowledge of the state laws that pertain to your case and can advise you of your legal rights and options. A car accident attorney can also advise you of how to proceed so that your legal interests are protected and maximized in all subsequent proceedings. A car accident attorney can oversee your insurance claims process to ensure that you are receiving fair and adequate compensation for your losses as covered by your car insurance policy.

Insurance Companies

Automobile insurance companies are in business to protect their policyholders in the event of an accident. However, insurance companies and their representatives will often put the best interests of the company ahead of the policyholder. Companies may attempt to downplay the magnitude of your losses or withhold benefits from those who rightly deserve the compensation. A car accident attorney can evaluate your insurance claim to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive due reparation for your losses.

Auto Accident Attorney Fighting for You

The help of a car accident attorney can be valuable to anyone who is involved in a car accident. When criminal offenses or other aggravating factors are involved, it may be particularly crucial to retain the services of a qualified and reputable car accident attorney. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident and you wish to protect your legal interests in the events to follow, you may wish to contact an experienced car accident attorney who can evaluate your case to determine your legal rights and options.

When most people get into a car every day, they don’t think twice about potential dangers waiting for them on the road – but for the millions of Americans injured in motor vehicle collisions accidents each year, the pain that stems from such a collision becomes all they can think about. It impacts every facet of their lives. The injuries decimate victims’ physical functioning. The most severely wounded may not be able to walk, stand, eat, or even breathe without assistance for days or weeks after the trauma. They may lose massive chunks of their lives in comas, either caused by their injuries or medically induced, or in a painkiller-fueled haze. Brain and spinal cord injuries can leave victims facing paralysis, temporary or permanent, partial or complete. Bones break, sometimes contributing to uncontrollable blood loss, requiring surgery, or wounding internal organs to the point that they become unusable. A seemingly infinite number of tests, medications, and surgeries not only overtake the futures of these victims – they become their futures.

A car accident can take more from a victim than physical health. It can rob them of thriving careers, academic achievements, and family life. It can cause tension to build in even the most solid relationships, as victims’ families and friends struggle to help the wounded cope with the changes in their lives and deal with those changes themselves. A car crash can make holidays meaningless, plans broken, and goals unattainable. In the aftermath, both victims and families often feel helpless, knowing that they can only wait and hope for answers, progress, and healing.

If an automobile collision has shaken your family’s lives, please don’t face the pain and loss alone. Though you may feel isolated, we’re here for you. We can take responsibility for handling insurance paperwork and phone calls, so you have one less thing to worry about. We can help you find a medical care provider with experience dealing with injuries like yours if you have had difficulty locating one yourself. If money is an issue, we will request that doctors hold all bills until after we have recovered maximum compensation on your behalf. We know that after a serious car crash, it may seem that everything in your world has gone wrong – that’s why we’re here to make it right.

Protecting Your Legal Rights Matters When Injured

In the time immediately following a motor vehicle accident, you may feel that nothing can help you put your life back together, money included. When you have lost your health, the most basic and necessary possession you have, you may wonder if finding a lawyer and pursuing a claim are worth the hassle – and some days, you may even feel that way about the treatments and therapies that are supposed to help you get well. That’s okay. You’ve been through a lot, and you have every right to be frustrated.

Both working to improve your health and finding an advocate to protect your rights are worthwhile because your life – the life you enjoyed before the collision – matters. While it’s true that no amount of money alone will help you recover, you need compensation for the damages that you have sustained. That money can help you support your family when you are unable to return to work and pay for any outstanding medical expenses, including equipment and devices that you need to enjoy the closest to normal functioning possible.

If you or a loved one has suffered serious injury or death in a car accident, it is important to ensure that your legal rights are protected. Please contact us today to discuss your legal rights with an experienced personal injury attorney free of charge.