Massachusetts Law
Although any first grader can tell you that the Declaration of Independence was written and signed in Philadelphia, it was really Massachusetts that should get credit for the birth of the American Revolution. It was in Massachusetts where the original Tea Party demonstrated and it was the Boston massacre which inflamed the passion of Americans to stand up for their freedoms.
Standing up for and sometimes fighting to defend those freedoms is the foundation of our nation’s prosperity. What many folks might not realize is that a large percentage of those original founding fathers were actually lawyers. Most notable was John Adams of Massachusetts. Thanks to all the generation of legal scholars and the state legislature that followed Adams, there are Massachusetts laws on the books to provide a framework for a peaceful and safe society.
Massachusetts Gun Laws
The right to keep arms as stated in our constitution can be directly linked back to the incidents that occurred in Massachusetts during the Revolutionary War. Of course back then the lawmakers couldn’t conceive of modern day weaponry or gun use. Today, Massachusetts gun laws are meant to preserve those original rights while taking into account the changes in society.
Who is permitted to own a gun in Massachusetts? Who is allowed to sell guns? What are the restrictions for transporting guns? All of these aspects any many more are covered in the Massachusetts gun laws.
Massachusetts Criminal Laws
There are a handful of sensational crimes that make the national headlines every year. Usually these involve horrendous acts against innocent people that have been caught on tape. Beyond the big headlines, there are crimes committed everyday both large and small. Massachusetts criminal laws define the difference between felony and misdemeanor charges.
A felony crime is the more serious based on the amount of damage or harm that occurred during the commission of the crime. What is the difference in sentencing between a felony conviction and a misdemeanor conviction? Can you have a felony conviction removed from your records? Massachusetts criminal laws were written by lawyers but applied to everyone in the state.
Massachusetts DUI Laws
On any given week, there are many reasons for a people celebrate. Whether it’s a new job, a sports win or just hanging out with good friends there is nothing wrong with folks having a drink or two. It’s when that celebration gets out of hand and a person gets behind the wheel of their car that trouble can occur.
Massachusetts DUI laws follow the foundation of the rest of the nation in setting the legal limit for drinking. However, Massachusetts is permitted to create their own system of punishments and fines for DUI convictions. Will a DUI arrest affect your car insurance? What happens to a repeat DUI offender? The Massachusetts DUI laws leave no doubt how serious they take the issue of drunk driving.
Massachusetts Divorce Laws
Compared with the rest of the nation, Massachusetts has a low divorce rate but that doesn’t mean that divorce courts still aren’t a necessity. Massachusetts divorce laws set forth the legal grounds for obtaining a divorce and how property should be distributed. They also handle the matters of alimony payments, child custody and child support.
Massachusetts Bankruptcy Laws
There was a time when filing for bankruptcy was relatively easy. However, there have been new federal restrictions applied to filing procedures. The Massachusetts bankruptcy laws cover all aspect of filing for bankruptcy within the state. No one is happy to go through this process but understanding the law can be a big relief.
Massachusetts Law Articles

How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Massachusetts
Massachusetts Divorce Cost The cost of getting a divorce in Massachusetts gets more expensive the less cooperation there is between spouses. The least expensive type of divorce is when a…

Massachusetts Lemon Laws
Lemon Law in Massachusetts The federal law and Massachusetts state law in relation to lemon products are also called the Magnuson-Moss Warrant Act. The lemon law was created to allow…
Massachusetts Gun Laws
Massachusetts Gun Law Details Every state has the right to pass their own gun laws. Within every state, each separate town or city can also enact specific firearm restrictions. Several…
Massachusetts Felony
Felonies are frequently defined as the most serious crimes, more serious than misdemeanors. Felony charges typically carry a one-year prison sentence. The length of time depends on the severity of…
Massachusetts Misdemeanors
Misdemeanors in Massachusetts Felonies and misdemeanors are defined in Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 274, Section 1. A felony is any crime punishable by death or imprisonment in a state prison….
Massachusetts Expungement
Expungement in Massachusetts There is no provision in Massachusetts for expungement of convictions. Some adult cases, such as those involving the dismissal or acquittal of criminal charges, are immediately sealed….
Massachusetts Labor Laws
Labor Laws in MA In Massachusetts, workers are provided with certain rights and protections that guarantee fair wages and hours of work. The Fair Labor Division of the Attorney General’s…
Massachusetts DUI Laws
Massachusetts DUI Prosecution Massachusetts has two different ways of prosecuting drunk driving offenses. One of these is called per se law. Under this prosecution an individual can be convicted simply…
Massachusetts Bankruptcy Laws
How to File Bankruptcy in Massachusetts Bankruptcy in Massachusetts is not unlike bankruptcy in most other states. In general bankruptcy can be handled through an attorney or through a do-it-yourself…
Massachusetts Divorce Laws
Divorce Laws in MA If you’re considering a divorce in Massachusetts, it’s important to be aware of the state’s laws on dissolving a marriage. These laws cover everything from when…