The motto for the state of Maryland is “the land of pleasant living.” Visitors and residents alike can find plenty to do from the beaches of Ocean City to the mountain lakes to the rolling farmlands. And there’s also exciting night life to be had in the revitalized downtown harbor area of Baltimore.
Maryland also has the distinction of being a member of the original 13 colonies club. Representatives from Maryland played an active role in the development of the US Constitution. It is that proud tradition of crafting laws that was passed down through the generations. Today, Maryland laws stand as a model of criminal and civil justice for the rest of the nation.
Maryland Criminal Laws
Just because Maryland is considered the land of pleasant living doesn’t mean there isn’t the occasional trouble. Like everywhere else on the planet, there are going to be people running afoul of the law. Even in an incident where you might be a suspect, it is important to understand your rights and how the laws work.
Maryland divides their criminal offenses into various felony or misdemeanor classifications. The more serious the offense, the more serious the punishment becomes. There is often a price threshold attached to property crimes involving vandalism or theft. For personal injury crimes, it becomes a level of harm inflicted that determines whether you will be charged with a felony.
Maryland Gun Laws
Standing between the law abiding gun owners and criminals are a series of Maryland gun laws that clearly define who can own, sell or purchase a firearm. There are also statewide restrictions regarding the transportation of guns and whether or not you are able to carry a concealed weapon.
You might follow all the rules for ownership but that doesn’t mean you can take your gun anywhere you want to go. Becoming informed about the Maryland gun laws will make sure you won’t get into trouble with your firearm.
Maryland DUI Laws
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) got its start in Maryland when concerned citizens banded together to help support law enforcement and state legislatures in crafting strict DUI laws. The result is a set of tough restrictions designed to get drunk drivers off the road and keep them off. If a person decides to become a repeat DUI offender, then the penalties become even more severe (just as they should).
Maryland Divorce Laws
Anyone who has been married can tell you it’s a full time “job.” Both partners need to be working in sync to create of loving and productive environment to raise a family and be a nurturing influence. Sometimes, even with the best intentions, marriages still fail.
Maryland divorce laws have been established to help couples work through the turmoil of a break-up. All issues regarding property distribution, alimony payments and child custody are covered. Understanding all the Maryland divorce laws should be the least of your concerns when working through a dissolution of a marriage.
Maryland Bankruptcy Laws
Just because there are abundant opportunities to experience the American dream right there in Maryland doesn’t mean there are also financial pitfalls. In troubling economic times it is hard for even the shrewdest investors to keep their head above water. Maryland bankruptcy laws can protect your assets while giving you the room to reorganize and rebuild your financial security.
Maryland Law Articles

Maryland’s New DUI Laws: Noah’s Law & MVA Penalties
What You Need to Know about Maryland New DUI Law: Noah’s Law Driving after having a few drinks on a night out is never a good idea, and the DUI…
Maryland Lemon Laws
Lemon Law in Maryland Lemon laws in the state of Maryland are based on the federal lemon law known as the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. This specific act provided compensation to…
Maryland Misdemeanors
Misdemeanors in Maryland Misdemeanors and felonies are the two types of criminal charges in the state of Maryland. Misdemeanors are the less serious of the two categories, with less severe…
Maryland Felony
A felony conviction in Maryland will result in a minimum of one year in jail, but the actual amount of time sentenced is entirely dependent on the crime and the…

Maryland Gun Laws
Gun Laws in Maryland In Maryland, citizens have the right to lawfully carry concealed weapons. The state police are responsible for issuing permits to those who qualify, and a background…
Maryland Marijuana Laws
The U.S. Constitution clearly states that any law which isn’t created by the federal government can be legislated by the individual states. This article comes in direct conflict with the…
Maryland DUI Laws
Drunk driving offenses are taken very seriously, especially in Maryland. This is where Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) was formed as a consumer group to enact stricter DUI laws. Most…
Maryland Bankruptcy Laws
How to File Bankruptcy in Maryland Bankruptcy is broken into two categories in the state of Maryland: Chapter Thirteen bankruptcy and Chapter Seven bankruptcy. These are the only two forms…
Maryland Divorce Laws
Divorce Laws in MD In Maryland, divorce is a legal process that officially ends a formal contract of marriage between two people. To initiate this process, one party must be…