Maryland Misdemeanors

Misdemeanors in Maryland

Misdemeanors and felonies are the two types of criminal charges in the state of Maryland. Misdemeanors are the less serious of the two categories, with less severe penalties. A misdemeanor is a crime that can result in a maximum of twelve months in a county jail. Felonies are more serious, with sentences ranging from a year in a state prison to life in prison. Some states require the death penalty for capital crimes that fall into the felony category.

Misdemeanors in Maryland are classified as either first-degree or second-degree. In Maryland, first-degree misdemeanors are the most serious type of misdemeanor, while second-degree misdemeanors are the least severe.

Classification of Misdemeanors

The majority of states categorize misdemeanors and felonies alphabetically. Maryland only categorizes them into different degrees, with varying degrees of severity for each crime. Driving with a revoked license, drinking and driving, prostitution, petty theft, reckless driving, public drunkenness, vandalism, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, failure to appear in court, and trespassing are among the misdemeanors.

These crimes may result in incarceration in a county jail facility, as well as a fine or restitution. The length of time a person is imprisoned is determined by the crime committed and the severity of the crime. Misdemeanors frequently result in the loss of certain privileges. These include, but are not limited to, the loss of a driver’s license, a professional license, the ability to hold public office, and termination from public or government employment. Penalties for misdemeanor offenses include community service, probation, heavy fines, up to a year in county jail, citations, and mandatory classes. All misdemeanors are issued a citation, which is then followed by a punishment. A citation is a summons issued to the offender specifying the location and time of his or her appearance in court.

Maryland, Virginia, and Massachusetts

Because the states of Virginia, Massachusetts, and Maryland are so close together, the terms and circumstances for misdemeanors and felonies are the same. Petty theft, public intoxication, prostitution, trespassing, vandalism, simple assault, drug possession, driving under the influence, and other offenses are all misdemeanors in these three states. Because these are minor offenses, they are classified as misdemeanors. Aggravated assault, on the other hand, is a serious felony that usually involves assault with the use of a deadly weapon with the intent to severely injure another person. Because the injury is minor, simple assault is a misdemeanor offense.

Possession of Drugs

Possession, distribution, and manufacture of controlled substances are both misdemeanors and felonies in Maryland. The amount of the controlled substance in possession determines the crime’s classification. Repeat offenders and dealers are frequently charged with felonies rather than misdemeanors.

Expungement in Maryland

In the state of Maryland, expungement is only possible by completing the Petition for Expungement and the General Waiver and Release form, filing the petition with the appropriate authorities, and paying the filing fees. Because only a few crimes are eligible for expungement in Maryland, it is best to consult a criminal defense attorney first.

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