California State Laws

At last count, there were over 36 million people living in California. That gives California the distinction of being the most populous state in the country. California is also a state that provides many opportunities for its residents. Whether you’re in the fashion, food, financial, or transportation industry you’ll find the centers for those businesses thriving in California.

When not at work, Californians can literally go surfing in the morning then skiing in the evening. As for entertainment, there is one word that sums it all up: Hollywood. The movies, television and music created in Hollywood are sent out around the world providing countless hours of escape. It all starts in California.

With so many people working, living and having fun in California there is going to be the occasional issue with the law. Clearly there are far more law abiding citizens than criminals and those responsible folks should be protected. Like every other state in the union, it has fallen to the California legislature (based in the Sacramento capital) to create all the laws, penalties and fines that pertain to any offense. The legislature has also established all the issues pertaining to civil matters such as divorce and bankruptcy. If you’re researching information on California laws, you’ve come to the right place and you’re living in a great state!

California Criminal Laws

In matters of criminal offenses, California laws are divided into two classifications: the felony and the misdemeanor. On the following pages, you’ll come to understand the distinction between those two classes and the types of penalties that they carry for a conviction. Can your criminal and arrest record ever be expunged? Can you be arrested for a felony but be charged with a misdemeanor? If you or a loved one is involved in a criminal case then your best, first defense is getting information.

California DUI Laws

With regard to DUI laws, California has followed the will of the people to enact strict fines and penalties for anyone who is convicted of a DUI offense. The goal is simple: keep the drunk drivers off the road.

What is the legal definition of DUI? What are different penalties between a first time offender and a second time offender? Can you permanently lose your driver’s license with a DUI conviction? You’ll find clear answers to those questions and many more on this site.

California Gun Laws

That philosophy of protecting the citizens carries over to the California gun laws. Sadly, Californians have seen their fair share of gun tragedies. Responsible gun ownership can go a long way towards preventing those types of incidents. Who is allowed to own a gun in California? Do guns have to be registered? Can you carry a concealed weapon in California? Whether you’re a new gun owner or have always had gun, it’s essential to know the facts.

California Civil Laws

Some beleaguered husbands who are going through a bitter break up of their marriage might think that the California divorce laws and bankruptcy laws go hand in hand. With any contested divorce you need to establish the grounds. What are the grounds for divorce in California? How is property distributed? And what about child custody issues? As emotionally upsetting as a divorce can be, understanding the laws and rights can help get you through the process.

In terms of California bankruptcy laws, these are also specific to the state and require a deep level of understanding. You might think bankruptcy is your only option to get out from under debt but what will the ramifications become on the rest of your life? Get all the facts before you make any move.

California Courts

California Law Articles


Types of Child Custody in California

California Child Custody Types Child custody in California can be categorized into four main types (joint, sole, legal, & physical), each with distinct features and implications for the parenting arrangement….

How to Get an Annulment in California

How to Get a California Annulment of Marriage Getting an annulment in California involves a legal process where a marriage is declared null and void as if it never happened….

Alimony & Spousal Support in California

California Spousal Support Explained When a couple legally separates or divorces, the court may order one spouse or domestic partner to pay the other a certain amount of support money…

California Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial Agreement in California As you prepare for marriage, you are probably thinking about everything but a prenuptial agreement. However, even people in rock-solid relationships sometimes choose to sign a…

Community Property Law in California

What is Not Community Property in a Divorce in California? California operates under community property laws for divorce, ensuring assets and debts acquired during marriage are evenly divided. This system…

Best DWI Lawyers in Anaheim

Top 10 Best Anaheim DUI Lawyers If you have been arrested and charged with DUI in Anaheim, it is important to seek legal advice from an experienced attorney who can…

Nullity of Marriage in California

Nullity of Marriage Marriage is a legally binding agreement that unites two individuals in a committed relationship. However, not all marriages last forever, and sometimes couples may choose to end…

New Probation Law in California

California Misdemeanor & Felony Probation Laws California passed a new law that went into effect on January 1, 2021. The new law reduces the maximum length of probation possible for…

Is Pepper Spray Legal in California

Pepper Spray Laws in California In California, pepper spray is considered an approved form of non-lethal self-defense. Under the Penal Code section 244.5, it is legal to possess and use…

California Felony-Murder Rule

Felony-Murder Rule in California The California felony-murder rule attaches criminal liability to anyone who kills another human being during the commission of an inherently dangerous felony. The rule was established…

California Social Host Laws

Social Host Laws in California Most youths who obtain alcohol do not get it from irresponsible retailers or by using fake identification. The majority of alcohol consumed by minors is…

California Law – Employer Intern Programs

Do I Have to Pay My Interns in California? Internships are right of passage for many American workers. According to recent data about 75% of students at four-year colleges undertake…

California Drunk Driving – BAC Tests

SAN DIEGO DRUNK DRIVING & BLOOD ALCOHOL TESTS Simply driving a vehicle in San Diego – or anywhere in California — legally and automatically implies consent to submit to a…

California Felony

California Felonies Charges and convictions for felonies in California can result in probation and jail time. A felony can sometimes result in a prison sentence of sixteen months or up…

California Lemon Laws

California Lemon Law Details There is a long standing tradition in Hollywood to give credit to everyone associated with the making of a movie or TV show. From the stars,…

California Proposition 36

Proposition 36 (California) Proposition 36 is a less formal name given to the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act that became law in California on July 1, 2001. Under its…

California Expungement

Expungement of a Criminal Record in California The California Penal Code Section 1203.4 allows anyone who meets certain criteria to have their record expunged by filing a petition for dismissal….

California Misdemeanors

Misdemeanors vary in severity in California, but they are not classified in the traditional manner (Class A, B, etc.). Different guidelines from the penal code are used by the courts…

California Marijuana Laws

Possessing marijuana is at times legal in the state of California. However only under specific circumstances may individuals legally cultivate plants and under specific guidelines. Only those who have been…

California Labor Laws

California Labor Law Breaks Whenever a shift lasts more than five hours straight, workers are entitled to a 30-minute paid meal break. The break is not compensated if the employee…

California DUI Laws

DUI Laws in California After you are pulled over and arrested on suspicion of DUI, you face a battle on two fronts: one in criminal court and one against the…

California Divorce Laws

Divorce in California If there is no way to reconcile your marriage in California, you have a few alternatives to end the relationship with your spouse. Divorce, nullity, and legal…

California Bankruptcy Laws

How to File Bankruptcy in California With the economy in a bad state, many people are having a difficult time paying their debts and may be considering bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is…

California Gun Laws

Gun Laws in California According to California law, all firearm sales, gun show sales, loans, and transfers must go through a licensed California firearms dealer. This also includes the private…