Gun Laws in Wyoming
- Gun Laws in Wyoming
- Overview of Wyoming Gun Laws
- Purchasing firearms in Wyoming
- Concealed carry permits in Wyoming
- Background check requirements in Wyoming
- Constitutional Carry
- Gun-free zones in Wyoming
- Self-defense Laws
- Open Carry
- Transporting firearms in Wyoming
- Reciprocal Carry
- Safely and responsibly exercising your Second Amendment rights in Wyoming
As part of American history, some states have the unique distinction to be deemed a “frontier state.” This meant that they were part of the massive western expansion in the 1800’s. Although some of these states like Colorado, Utah and Arizona ended up with a burgeoning population, others like Montana and Wyoming still to this day have less people spread out over more area.
The result is that Wyoming gun laws are more geared towards the hunter and outdoorsman as opposed to the urban dweller. This doesn’t mean it’s still the “wild west” but that Wyoming citizens are carrying on the proud heritage of gun ownership.
Wyoming is located in the West of the United States and includes the foothills of the Eastern Rocky Mountains and the High Plains. Wyoming is the least populous state and is bordered on the north by Montana, on the east by South Dakota and Nebraska, on the south by Colorado, on the southwest by Utah, and on the west by Idaho.
Overview of Wyoming Gun Laws
Wyoming is a state that is well-known for its loose gun laws. It is known as one of the most gun-friendly states in the country. In fact, Wyoming has some of the most relaxed gun laws in the United States, where guns are celebrated as a part of the state’s culture and heritage.
It is legal to openly carry firearms in Wyoming without a permit, and the state does not require a permit to purchase or own firearms. Wyoming also has some of the most relaxed laws surrounding the use of firearms for self-defense, with “stand your ground” laws in place that allow individuals to use deadly force in self-defense without any obligation to retreat.
However, even with its relaxed gun laws, there are still some restrictions in place. For example, Wyoming prohibits the possession of firearms on school grounds, in courtrooms, and in government buildings. Additionally, individuals who have been convicted of certain crimes, such as domestic violence, are prohibited from owning or possessing firearms.
Purchasing firearms in Wyoming
Wyoming is known for having some of the most permissive gun laws in the United States. Therefore, purchasing firearms in Wyoming is relatively straightforward.
You don’t need a permit or license to purchase a firearm in Wyoming. The state doesn’t require a background check for private sales between individuals, so you can purchase a firearm from a private seller without a background check or permit.
However, for purchasing firearms from Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealers, you’ll need to fill out an ATF Form 4473 and go through a background check. It’s important to note that you must be 18 years or older to purchase a rifle or shotgun and 21 years or older to purchase a handgun from an FFL dealer.
Additionally, Wyoming law allows for the open carry of firearms without a permit. Individuals with a Wyoming Concealed Carry Permit can carry concealed firearms in most places, including state and national parks, unless prohibited by federal law.
Wyoming Gun Laws on Sale and Possession
Residents of Wyoming are not required to obtain a permit or license to own or purchase any type of handgun, rifle, or shotgun. Additionally, no permit is needed for anyone to carry a handgun. However, for a concealed carry you will need to obtain a license. There is no waiting period for the purchase of a gun in Wyoming. Anyone purchasing a firearm must submit to the FBI’s National Instant Check System. This will quickly determine if a person has any outstanding warrants or is a convicted felon which would prevent them from owning or buying a firearm.
Unlike other states, if you are an adult with children in your house, you are not required to keep your firearms locked in a storage cabinet or with a trigger lock. If for any reason a minor uses a gun in the commission of a crime, the adult gun owner will be criminally liable for those actions.
The gun shop owner or dealer needs to maintain records of every firearm purchase. These records include the contact information, the type of firearm sold, and the date of purchase. All of these records should be made available to any officer of the law for review.
Concealed carry permits in Wyoming
Wyoming is known for its relaxed gun laws, and concealed carry permits are no exception. In Wyoming, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed weapon if you are at least 21 years old and are not prohibited from possessing a firearm under federal law. However, Wyoming does issue concealed carry permits to residents who wish to carry a concealed weapon outside of Wyoming.
To obtain a concealed carry permit in Wyoming, you must fill out an application and submit it to your local county sheriff’s office. The application will require you to provide personal information such as your name, address, and date of birth. You will also need to submit fingerprints, a photo, and a fee.
Wyoming Concealed Carry Permit Restrictions
Any lawful gun owner who is a resident of Wyoming can apply for a concealed carry permit from the office of the state Attorney General. A background check will be run on anyone who applies for a concealed carry permit. Once that permit has been issued, the gun owner needs to carry it with them when they are also carrying the weapon. If the permit is lost or there is a change in contact information, the permit holder must notify the Attorney General’s office within 30 days or risk losing the permit.
Even with the permit, there are certain places in Wyoming that are off-limits for a concealed weapon. Included in these places are any schools or college campuses or other public institutions prohibited by federal law such as courthouses and detention centers.
Background check requirements in Wyoming
Wyoming is known for having some of the most relaxed gun laws in the United States. However, the state still requires a background check for individuals purchasing firearms from a federally licensed dealer.
These background checks are conducted through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and are designed to ensure that individuals who are prohibited from owning firearms, such as convicted felons or those with a history of mental illness, do not gain access to them.
Wyoming does not require background checks for individuals purchasing firearms from private sellers. This means that individuals can sell firearms to each other without the need for a background check.
Constitutional Carry
As of 7/1/11 Wyoming has enacted a constitutional carry law, although it only applies to Wyoming residents. Wyoming permits Wyoming residents who are at least 21 years old and legally allowed to possess a firearm to carry a handgun without a permit, openly or concealed.
Gun-free zones in Wyoming
Wyoming’s gun laws are relatively lenient compared to other states in the US. However, there are still some restrictions when it comes to carrying firearms in certain areas, know where these gun-free zones are located to avoid any legal issues.
In Wyoming, it is illegal to carry firearms in certain locations, including:
- schools
- government buildings
- public meetings
Additionally, private property owners have the right to prohibit firearms on their premises, such as stores, restaurants, and other businesses.
To avoid any misunderstandings and legal troubles, educate yourself on Wyoming’s gun-free zones and adhere to the laws in place. It’s also recommended to carry a copy of the state’s gun laws with you at all times, so you can refer to them if needed. By doing so, you can exercise your Second Amendment right safely and lawfully while navigating Wyoming’s gun laws.
Carry in Restaurants That Serve Alcohol
Yes. You can carry a concealed firearm in a restaurant that serves alcohol like Fridays or Chili’s unless they have a “No Gun Sign,” then you are prohibited from carrying it into the establishment. This does not include a bar or the bar area of a restaurant – You are prohibited from carrying a concealed weapon in these areas. You are not allowed to carry while you consume alcohol or are under the influence of alcohol. You are permitted to open carry at any establishment that serves alcohol.

Carrying Firearms in Vehicles
Wyoming permits anyone who may legally possess a firearm to carry a loaded handgun in a motor vehicle without a permit. Wyoming residents can carry handguns openly or concealed, but non-residents without a permit may only carry handguns if they are visible from outside the car and not concealed on their bodies. It is illegal to hunt, shoot, or attempt to kill any wildlife from any public highway.
Self-defense Laws
Wyoming has both Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Grund (SYG) laws. There is no duty to retreat when attacked in any place you have a legal right to be, and you may use deadly force in self-defense if you reasonably believe it is imminently necessary to prevent death or SBI, the commission of a forcible felony, or to stop the unlawful & forcible entry into your dwelling, residence, or occupied motor vehicle.
Open Carry
Wyoming is known as a gun-friendly state, and the open carry of firearms is generally allowed without a permit for Wyoming residents who are at least 21 years old. Non-residents may also open carry without a permit as long as they are legally allowed to possess firearms in their home state.
However, there are some places where you cannot open carry in Wyoming, such as:
- schools
- courthouses
- jails
- any other place where firearms are prohibited by federal law.
It’s important to note that while open carry is generally allowed in Wyoming, some cities and towns may have their own ordinances or restrictions regarding firearms. For example, the city of Cheyenne prohibits the open carry of firearms in certain areas of the city, such as city parks and the downtown area.
If you plan on open carrying in Wyoming, it’s best to research the specific laws and regulations in the area you’ll be visiting to ensure that you’re following all applicable rules. It’s also important to remember that openly carrying a firearm can be intimidating to some people and it’s always best to be respectful and mindful of others while exercising your rights.
Transporting firearms in Wyoming
Transporting firearms in Wyoming is a critical aspect of gun ownership in the state. It is essential to understand the laws surrounding the transportation of guns to avoid any legal complications. In general, Wyoming is a gun-friendly state and allows individuals to transport firearms in their vehicles without the need for a permit or registration.
However, there are some regulations that gun owners need to comply with when transporting firearms. For example, Wyoming law requires that any firearm being transported in a vehicle must be unloaded and not readily accessible to the driver or any passengers. This means that the firearm should be transported in a locked container or secured in the trunk of the vehicle.
Reciprocal Carry
If you’re traveling to Wyoming, it’s important to know how the state’s gun laws differ from those of your home state. Fortunately, Wyoming has reciprocity agreements with many other states, which means that if you have a concealed carry permit from one of those states, you may be able to carry your firearm in Wyoming as well.
It’s important to note, however, that not all reciprocity agreements are created equal. Some states have broad agreements that recognize concealed carry permits from many other states, while others have much narrower agreements that only recognize permits from a select few states.
Before you travel to Wyoming with a firearm, be sure to check the state’s reciprocity agreements to see if your permit will be recognized. You can do this by checking with your state’s licensing agency or by consulting a reliable online resource.
The requirements for obtaining a license to carry is that the applicant:
(i) Is a resident of the United States and has been a resident of Wyoming for not less than six (6) months prior to filing the application. The Wyoming residency requirements of this paragraph do not apply to any person who holds a valid permit authorizing him to carry a concealed firearm authorized and issued by a governmental agency or entity in another state that recognizes Wyoming permits and is a valid statewide permit;
(ii) Is at least twenty-one (21) years of age;
(iii) Does not suffer from a physical infirmity, which prevents the safe handling of a firearm;
(iv) Is not ineligible to possess a firearm pursuant to 18U.S.C. section 922(g) or W.S. 6-8-102;
(v) Has not been: (A) Committed to a state or federal facility for the abuse of a controlled substance, within the one (1) year period prior to the date on which application for a permit under this section is submitted; (B) Convicted of a felony violation of the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act of 1971, W.S. 35-7-1001 through 35-7-1057 or similar laws of any other state or the United States relating to controlled substances and has not been pardoned; or (C) Convicted of a misdemeanor violation of the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act of 1971, W.S. 35-7-1001 through 35-7-1057 or similar laws of any other state or the United States relating to controlled substances within the one (1) year period prior to the date on which application for a permit under this section is submitted.
By statute, Wyoming will recognize another state’s license to carry if that state recognizes Wyoming’s license:
“A person who wears or carries a concealed deadly weapon is guilty of a misdemeanor … unless: … (iii)The person holds a valid permit authorizing him to carry a concealed firearm authorized and issued by a governmental agency or entity in another state that recognizes Wyoming permits and is a valid statewide permit.” []
Since there is no national carry license, as with the other states, some states are reciprocal with Wyoming and some are not. Anyone contemplating reciprocal carry should check with the official list maintained by the Wyoming State Police at the point in time the reciprocal carry is to occur.
Wyoming Miscellaneous Gun Laws
It is against the law in Wyoming to take an automatic weapon or any firearm with a silencer into an open field or game preserve. The laws of the state apply to all counties and cities. No city or county is permitted to make any laws that would prevent any lawful resident from owning or purchasing a firearm.
Safely and responsibly exercising your Second Amendment rights in Wyoming
Wyoming is known for its pro-gun culture, and the state’s gun laws reflect that. However, exercising your Second Amendment rights in Wyoming comes with a responsibility to do so safely and responsibly.
Anyone who owns a gun should be properly trained in gun safety and handling. This includes not only knowing how to properly load and unload a firearm, but also how to store it safely and securely, and how to handle it in various situations.
In Wyoming, it is legal to carry a concealed weapon without a permit, but it is still important to understand the laws surrounding self-defense and the use of deadly force. While Wyoming has a “Stand Your Ground” law, which allows you to use deadly force in certain situations, it is important to remember that this is a serious decision that should only be made in the face of a real and imminent threat.
Gun owners should always be aware of the places they are legally allowed to carry their firearms. For example, while it is legal to carry a firearm into a bank or other financial institution, it is not legal to carry a firearm into a courthouse or other government building.