Although generally considered a misdemeanor, a conviction of indecent exposure carries a social stigma that may haunt the convicted person for years to come, even a lifetime. Persons convicted of indecent exposure may be required to register as sex offenders in a national database. A conviction for indecent exposure on one’s record can also prevent the accused from being able to gain or keep employment. People accused of or convicted for indecent exposure may also suffer unwarranted public disgrace and humiliation, social shunning, and may even become the targets of violence.
Indecent Exposure Charges
A charge of indecent exposure claims that the defendant displayed his/her body inappropriately in public. Usually, but not always, an indecent exposure charge involves displaying one’s genitals to one or more persons, often with the intention of shocking the viewer and giving the person accused of indecent exposure a sexual charge. The specific requirements for charging an individual with indecent exposure can vary a great deal between states, however, and persons have been charged with indecent exposure for actions ranging from walking naked past a window in their homes to wearing a Speedo and cut-off shirt into a fast food restaurant while on vacation at a lake.
Because indecent exposure charges combine laws that are inconsistent between states with potentially devastating after-effects, it is critical that persons accused of indecent exposure immediately retain an attorney. Lawyers who have experience in representing persons accused of indecent exposure and who are familiar with the indecent exposure laws in your area will be able to offer you the most qualified assistance.