
Iowa Lemon Laws

Lemon Law in Iowa There are some states that go full “gung ho” when it comes to consumer protection as it applies to car buying. Other states provide the minimum…

Illinois Lemon Laws

Lemon Law in Illinois The state of Illinois has a long and proud history of sharing with the rest of the country their diversified culture, delectable cuisine, strong manufacturing centers…

Hawaii Lemon Laws

Lemon Law in Hawaii You might ask yourself, “What could possibly go wrong with living in a paradise like Hawaii?” Clearly, you haven’t been watching “Hawaii 5-O!” Even life in…

Arizona Lemon Laws

Lemon Law in Arizona The state of Arizona’s lemon law is combined with the federal lemon law. The federal lemon law is also called the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act and allows…

Michigan Criminal Law FAQ

Michigan Common Criminal Law Questions The following Common Criminal law QUESTIONS and ANSWERS will provide you with an insight into some of the most common criminal terms and procedures used…

Michigan Criminal Sexual Conduct

Michigan CSC Crimes The Criminal Sexual Conduct (aka CSC) Act is divided up into Four Degrees (decreasing in statutory penalty as the degrees become larger. They are commonly referred as…

Georgia Expungement

Expungement in Georgia In Georgia, all records pertaining to incidents surrounding a crime can be erased. This includes the arrest and trial records, as well as the detention records. Before…

Georgia Misdemeanors

In Georgia, misdemeanor offenses, such as DUI, possession of marijuana, domestic violence, and shoplifting are taken extremely seriously. Many of these offenses have collateral consequences that can affect your driving…

Common Law Marriage

What States Recognize Common Law Marriages?

Common Law Marriages Quick Answer: Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Iowa, Alabama, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, South Carolina, and Washington DC recognize common-law marriages. Common-law Marriage Laws Common-law marriage…

Wyoming Felony

Wyoming Felonies Wyoming defines a felony as an offense that can have a criminal punishment of at least one year in prison. The state of Wyoming does not separate its…

Wyoming Marijuana Laws

There are currently no laws in regards to allowing marijuana possession for medical purposes in Wyoming. Though the state of Wyoming has attempted to make marijuana legal for medical necessities,…

Wyoming Expungement

Definition of Wyoming Expungement In Wyoming, expungement does not always imply the physical destruction of criminal files, as is commonly assumed. Expungement is the symbolic destruction of criminal files so…

Wyoming Misdemeanors

Nobody wants to find themselves on the wrong side of the law. But if you get caught doing something illegal, just hope it’s a misdemeanor charge rather than a felony…

Wyoming Gun Laws

Gun Laws in Wyoming As part of American history, some states have the unique distinction to be deemed a “frontier state.” This meant that they were part of the massive…

Wyoming Divorce Laws

Divorce in Wyoming In the state of Wyoming, a divorce can be pursued if certain legal criteria are met. These include irreconcilable differences between the two spouses or incurable insanity…

Wyoming Labor Laws

The state of Wyoming is easy to pick out on a map: it’s the perfect square situated in the Midwest (above the perfect square of Colorado!). Close to half of…

Wyoming DUI Laws

Some DUI laws in the United States are somewhat similar, but the state of Wyoming’s DUI laws are known as the toughest laws in the entire country. Wyoming has anti-plea…

Wyoming Bankruptcy Laws

Bankruptcy Laws in Wyoming Both Federal and Wyoming bankruptcy changed in 2005 when the President passed an act that placed new restrictions on bankruptcy. The bankruptcy process increased from a…

Wisconsin Expungement

Wisconsin Punishment The state of Wisconsin refers to the sealing of criminal records and the physical destruction of court documents as expunction rather than expungement. Expunged records can be obtained…

Wisconsin Misdemeanor

Misdemeanor Classes in Wisconsin Even though misdemeanors are not as severe as felonies, they are not without consequences. The state of Wisconsin categorizes these penalties into various misdemeanor classes. Those…

Wisconsin Lemon Laws

Defining a Wisconsin Lemon Definitions for a lemon vary from state to state. In order for a lemon to be legal in Wisconsin a new motor vehicle must currently be…

Wisconsin Marijuana Laws

The state of Wisconsin does not legally allow marijuana for any purpose, including medical treatment. All those in possession, selling, or cultivation of marijuana will be charged with a fine,…

Wisconsin Labor Laws

Wisconsin is to cheese what Texas is to oil. In fact, Wisconsin leads the nation in cheese production. That is why the locals happily wear their “cheese-head hats” to show…

Wisconsin DUI Laws

A common DUI law across the nation is the definition of being legally drunk. This is determined by a test of your blood alcohol content (BAC). The BAC for being…

Wisconsin Divorce Laws

Divorce in Wisconsin Divorce is not an easy process – it is stressful, emotional, and conflict-ridden. Divorce impacts almost every aspect of an individual’s life including relationships with family and…

Wisconsin Gun Laws

Gun Laws in Wisconsin A majority of the United States allows state residents to carry concealed weapons on their persons. However the state of Wisconsin does not allow its residence…

Wisconsin Felony

Understanding the Felony Classes in Wisconsin Law Wisconsin law categorizes felonies based on severity, with Class A being the most severe and Class I being the least severe. Felonies are…

Washington Lemon Laws

Lemon Law in Washington The state of Washington has organized a system to help motor vehicle owners purchase products fairly. Washington laws allow individuals to request arbitration hearings with the…