Online Solicitation of a Minor in Texas

Texas Online Solicitation of a Minor

Online solicitation of a minor (§ 33.021) is a severe offense in Texas. It involves an offender communicating with a minor online to engage in sexual activity or other illegal activities. In many cases, minors are unaware that an adult is targeting them, which can have devastating consequences. This article will examine the laws regarding the online solicitation of a child in Texas and discuss the penalties associated with this crime.

What is Texas Solicitation of a Minor?

Texas solicitation of a minor is a serious crime that carries the potential of significant legal penalties. This offense applies when an individual attempts to persuade, entice or encourage someone under 17 years old to engage in sexual activities. The law applies when an adult solicits minors for prostitution or other illegal activities.

Penalties for soliciting a minor in Texas are severe and can have long-term consequences. Solicitation of a child is the act of attempting to persuade or influence an individual under the age of 18 to participate in any activity that would be considered prostitution, including actions of sexual contact. In Texas, if someone is found guilty of solicitation involving a minor, they could face hefty fines, jail time, and have to register as a sex offender.

Police Stings

Online solicitation of a minor is a significant issue in Texas, and police stings are one of the prime ways people are caught. In a sting, law enforcement officers pretend to be minors via chat rooms and dating apps, making it easier for them to see potential offenders. If someone agrees to meet up with someone they believe to be minor, they face harsh criminal penalties.

Recently, several high-profile cases involving online solicitation charges in Texas come from police stings. This has led many parents and other adults to worry about their safety when interacting with children online or through text messages. In response, law enforcement officials have increased their efforts to keep minors safe by setting up more sting operations throughout the state. As such, adults need to remember the legal ramifications of online solicitation of a child and the moral ones.

Punishment for Online Solicitation in Texas

Texas law enforcement officials take this crime seriously and investigate all allegations thoroughly. The punishments for solicitation are severe and depend on the age gap between parties involved and other factors such as prior criminal history. In some cases, those convicted may serve up to 10 years or pay thousands of dollars in fines.

In Texas, the penalty for this offense is severe and can range from imprisonment to fines and probation. If convicted of solicitation of a minor, one could face up to 10 years in prison and be required to pay hefty fines amounting to up to $10,000. Additionally, those convicted will have their name placed on the state’s registered sex offender list, which can severely limit their employment, housing, and other opportunities available in society.

Federal Charges

Online solicitation is a severe offense that can also come with federal charges. Any person who offers or solicits sexual activity can be charged with a crime, regardless of the medium they use. In the United States, online solicitation charges are taken very seriously, and those found guilty face severe criminal penalties.

When an individual solicits sex through any form of communication, including email or text messages, they can be charged with online solicitation. This charge is typically used when an adult attempts to engage in sexual activities with a minor over the internet. It is also used when someone uses the internet to facilitate prostitution or patronize prostitutes, as well as when someone makes arrangements for travel for sexual purposes over the internet. Anyone convicted on federal online solicitation charges could face vast fines and mandatory prison sentences depending on their prior criminal history and other factors.

Definitions of Key Terms in Texas Online Solicitation Law

Several key terms should be defined when understanding the language used in Texas solicitation law. The most important of these terms is “solicitation.” In Texas, solicitation is a request or invitation to commit an act that violates the state’s criminal laws. In other words, it involves asking another individual to participate in illegal activity.

The term “minor” is also essential under Texas solicitation law. A minor is any individual who has not yet reached their 18th birthday and, therefore, cannot legally consent to a request for participation in criminal activity. This means that anyone attempting to solicit a minor can be subject to criminal charges regardless of whether or not they received any response from the child in question.

In Texas, online solicitation is defined as using the internet or other electronic devices to communicate with a minor or someone believed to be a child to engage in sexual conduct or solicit sexual performance from that individual. Conviction on such charges can result in severe punishments, including up to 20 years in prison and hefty fines. The consequences can be even worse if the alleged perpetrator has previously been convicted for similar offenses.

Legal Defenses to Texas Solicitation Charges

Texas solicitation charges can be a serious felony offense with substantial penalties. In Texas, it is illegal to solicit or induce someone to engage in sexual conduct with you or even to agree to do so. When the person interviewed is a minor, the consequences are particularly severe. However, legal defenses are available if you have been charged with soliciting a child in Texas.

The most common defense against solicitation charges is that no agreement was made between the defendant and the minor they allegedly attempted to solicit. This defense may arise if there was simply an offer or suggestion without any intent of action on either side, as well as in cases where law enforcement entrapped an individual into making such an offer or suggestion.

Potential Consequences of a Conviction for Solicitation in Texas

The state of Texas takes a tough stance against those convicted of soliciting a minor. There are several potential consequences that individuals should be aware of if they face conviction for solicitation in Texas.

Individuals convicted of soliciting a minor may receive jail time and hefty fines. Depending on the case’s specifics, some may even face life in prison for their offenses. Additionally, those found guilty must register as sex offenders and remain on the registry for an extended period. This can make finding employment or housing difficult and cause significant disruptions to someone’s life. Furthermore, any images or videos related to the crime could be used against them in court, resulting in additional charges such as child porn possession or distribution, which carries longer sentences and harsher punishments than solicitation alone.

Steps to Take if You Are Accused

Accusations of solicitation can have severe consequences in Texas, and the penalties could be even more potent if someone is accused of soliciting a minor. Understanding the steps to take if you face these charges in this state is essential.

In Texas, solicitation offenses generally involve attempts or threats to commit certain crimes against another person. You could face serious criminal charges if you are accused of attempting to solicit a minor. Therefore, it is essential to take prompt action and follow specific steps if you are charged with this offense in Texas.

First and foremost, you should contact an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible after being accused of solicitation in Texas.


  • Texas Department of Public Safety: Online Solicitation of a Minor:
  • Texas Attorney General: Online Solicitation of a Minor:
  • Texas Department of Family and Protective Services: Online Solicitation of a Minor:
  • Texas Department of Public Safety: Internet Safety Tips and Resources:

Applicable Law:


Online solicitation of a minor is grave, with harsh punishments for those convicted. It is important to remember that all individuals under 18 are considered minors and should not be solicited online for any reason. Furthermore, parents should take proactive steps to protect their children from potential predators by monitoring their online activity and educating them about internet safety. Although this crime can be challenging to detect, law enforcement agencies are working hard to ensure that these criminals are held accountable for their actions.

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