Oregon Felony

In the state of Oregon, felony criminal offenses are classified as Class A, B, C, or U. Class U felony criminal offenses are the most severe. While Class A felony offenses are severe they are not punishable by the death penalty unless there is more than one of these convictions. The following are these classifications and their punishments.

Class U Felonies

These felony criminal offenses are punishable by life imprisonment or the death penalty.

  1. Murder
  2. Aggravated Murder
  3. Treason
  4. Contempt of Court
  5. Employing minor for public entertainment
  6. Pesticide control violation
  7. Throwing burning materials
  8. Wildlife Violation
  9. Selling liquor without a license
  10. Hunting on a wildlife reservation
  11. Hunting from a motor vehicle
  12. Selling explosives to a child

Class A Felonies

These felony criminal offenses are punishable by up to twenty years imprisonment and fines of up to $375,000.

  1. Arson – 1st degree
  2. Assault – 1st degree
  3. Burglary – 1st degree
  4. Kidnapping – 1st degree
  5. Manslaughter – 1st degree
  6. Aggravated Attempted Murder
  7. Rape – 1st degree
  8. Robbery – 1st degree
  9. Sex Abuse
  10. Sodomy – 1st degree
  11. Solicit Murder/Treason
  12. Using a child in a sexual act/performance
  13. Animal Abuse – 1st degree
  14. Criminal Negligent Homocide
  15. False Financial Statement
  16. False Workman’s Comp statement
  17. Firearm possession
  18. Fishing Closed Season
  19. Forgery 1st degree
  20. Gambling device detection
  21. Sexual Harassment
  22. Hit and Run accident
  23. Improper use of 911
  24. Misuse of I.D. card
  25. Sex in a public place
  26. Displaying Obscene materials to a minor
  27. Operating a boat while under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances
  28. Practicing medicine without a license
  29. Pravacy violation
  30. Removal of dead human body
  31. Resisting arrest
  32. Stalking in violation of a court order
  33. Tampering with public records
  34. Unlawful vehicle salvage
  35. Using someone else’s driver’s license
  36. Discharging firearms at trains and/or other moving vehicles
  37. Illegal possession of liquor
  38. Illegal tax preparation
  39. Unauthorized departure
  40. Throwing objects off an overpass
  41. Receiving stolen merchandise
  42. Taking bear unlawfully
  43. Distributing alcohol to a minor
  44. Selling false documentation and/or identification
  45. Reckless endangerment
  46. Selling real estate without a license
  47. Public Indecency
  48. Prostitution
  49. Possession of a stolen vehicle
  50. Possession of a destructive device
  51. Possession of armor piercing ammunition
  52. Unlawfully obtaining food stamps
  53. Selling vehicles without a license
  54. Mail theft
  55. Interference with a police animal
  56. Gambling records possession
  57. Fraud by a notary
  58. Failure to comply with vehicle destruction
  59. Tattooing without a license
  60. Endangering the welfare of a minor
  61. Eluding police
  62. Reckless driving
  63. Driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances

Class B Felonies

These felony criminal offenses are punishable by up to ten years imprisonment and fines of up to $$250,000.

  1. Abuse of Corpse
  2. Attempted Arson
  3. Assault – 2nd degree
  4. Child Neglect
  5. Dealing in Child Pornography
  6. Encouraging Child Sex Abuse – 1st degree
  7. Escape
  8. Manslaughter – 2nd degree
  9. Possession of Child Pornography
  10. Rape – 2nd degree
  11. Theft by Distortion
  12. Transporting Child Pornography
  13. Unlawful Air Pollution
  14. Harassment
  15. Attempted Obstruction of Justice
  16. Telephone Harassment
  17. Unlawful video recording
  18. Carrying a concealed weapon
  19. Tampering with cable equipment
  20. Unlawful sound recording
  21. Sexual delinquency of a minor
  22. Sexual Abuse 2nd degree
  23. Setting spring gun
  24. Menacing attempt
  25. Livestock branding violation
  26. Pointing a firearm at another individual
  27. False Health Care Claim
  28. Disorderly Conduct

Class C Felonies

These felony criminal offenses are punishable by up to five years imprisonment and fines of up to $125,000.

  1. Child Abandonment
  2. Aggravated Animal Abuse
  3. Assault – 3rd degree
  4. Bigamy
  5. Burglary – 2nd degree
  6. Coercion
  7. Computer Fraud
  8. Criminal Mischief
  9. Criminal Negligent Homocide
  10. Dogfighting
  11. Identity Theft
  12. Incest
  13. Perjury
  14. Violation of prescription drug laws
  15. Unlawful transfer or meat carcass
  16. Illegally tranporting hay
  17. Sexual Misconduct
  18. Operating a restaurant without a license
  19. Offensive loitering
  20. Providing false report of criminal act


In the state of Oregon individuals who have a Class A or B felony conviction are not eligible for expungement. However, those who are convicted of lesser felonies can file a petition for expungement three years following completion of their sentence.

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