Divorce & Family Law

[no_toc]Going through a divorce is a difficult and emotional event, especially when there are children involved. An experienced divorce attorney can help you get through the legal process as quickly and efficiently as possible so you can move forward with your life. Contact our divorce lawyers to discuss your circumstances.

Explore Divorce Laws in Your State

There are several reasons a couple might decide to file for divorce. No matter what the reason, a divorce is often a delicate issue, and may be complicated by other matters such as property division, spousal support, child custody, and child support. Emotions often run high when dealing with these matters. To ensure a fair outcome for all parties, it is important to hire a divorce attorney to help guide you through the process.

Divorce & Family Law Articles

Difference Between Dissolution and Divorce

What’s the Difference Between Divorce and Dissolution? In legal and practical terms, both Dissolution of Marriage and Divorce are used to refer to the legal termination of a marriage. The…

Alimony & Spousal Support in California

California Spousal Support Explained When a couple legally separates or divorces, the court may order one spouse or domestic partner to pay the other a certain amount of support money…

Community Property Law in California

What is Not Community Property in a Divorce in California? California operates under community property laws for divorce, ensuring assets and debts acquired during marriage are evenly divided. This system…

No Fault Divorce Texas

Navigating No-Fault Divorce in Texas: What You Need to Know In Texas, the concept of no-fault divorce has revolutionized the way couples approach the dissolution of their marriage. Unlike traditional…

How Much is Child Support in Arizona

How Much Does Arizona Child Support Cost? Child support calculations are troubling for parents who may already be under financial strain following a divorce in Arizona. A general rule of…

Nullity of Marriage in California

Nullity of Marriage Marriage is a legally binding agreement that unites two individuals in a committed relationship. However, not all marriages last forever, and sometimes couples may choose to end…

Common Law Marriage in Texas

Texas Common Law Marriage Guide Texas is one of the few states that recognize common law marriage. Under Texas law, Common law marriage, also known as informal marriage or marriage…

Can you Get a Prenup After Marriage?

Postnuptial Agreements For many couples, entering into a marital or prenuptial agreement (prenup) is often considered unromantic. Yes, it is possible to get a prenuptial agreement after you are married….

Grounds for Divorce New York

NY Grounds for Divorce Divorce is a complex process that can be incredibly complicated and emotionally draining. Every state has laws regarding the grounds for divorce, and New York is…

How Long Does a Divorce Take in NY?

How Long Does It Take to Get a New York Divorce? In the state of New York, uncontested divorces can be as swift as six weeks while contested matters can…

Top 10 Best Austin Divorce Attorneys

Best Divorce Lawyers in Austin Let’s face it! A divorce can be amicable or nasty, depending on the parties involved. This requires more than just knowledge of Texas divorce laws….

No Fault Divorce in New York City

NYC No Fault Ground For Divorce Only a decade ago, New York finally joined the other 49 states by adding the option for no-fault divorce as grounds for divorce. This…

How Much Will My NYC Divorce Cost?

Divorce Cost in New York City Divorces are costly, and it takes substantial planning and budgeting to guarantee that you can afford the sort of divorce you want with the…

Is Adultery Illegal in Arizona?

Adultery in Arizona Divorce Infidelity does occur in marriages, and it can have a significant impact on a future divorce. Understanding the law will be essential during a drawn-out and…

How Much Does A Divorce Cost In Florida?

Florida Divorce Costs – A Complete Guide In Florida, a contested divorce typically costs between $6,000 and $32,000. While the average price is $14,500, couples with children may pay up…

How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Divorce Cost The cost of getting a divorce in Massachusetts gets more expensive the less cooperation there is between spouses. The least expensive type of divorce is when a…

How Much Does A Divorce Cost In Texas?

Texas Divorce Cost There are many different potential costs that could arise for couples who divorce in Texas. The least expensive is a no-fault divorce, in which a couple agrees…

Served Divorce Papers in Texas?

Responding to a Divorce Case Receiving divorce papers from a process server or a law enforcement officer can be one of the most unsettling experiences of your life, especially if…

Top 19 Best NYC Divorce Lawyers

Best Divorce Lawyers in New York City Divorce is always a difficult, painful decision, but the process itself doesn’t have to add to it. Having the right divorce attorney on…

Texas Divorce Discovery Rules

Legal Discovery Rules in Texas Divorce Going into a divorce case knowing nothing or lacking information is a risky move. However, by sharing the information you have access to with…

Adultery in Texas

Texas Adultery Laws: What Does and Doesn’t Count? Adultery is a devastating experience that can have long-lasting effects on a marriage and can also have legal consequences. Although adultery is…

How Divorce Impacts Your Taxes

Filing Taxes After a Divorce Many individuals are getting ready to go through the divorce process, and oftentimes, they already feel a range of emotions – on the one hand,…

Child Visitation Enforcement in Texas

How to Enforce a Texas Visitation Order One of the most common reasons people seek legal assistance in a divorce or custody case is because they have children. One common…

Abandonment Divorces in Texas

Texas Abandonment Laws In many states, there are a variety of ways to get a divorce. In Texas, abandonment divorces are among the most common method of legally dissolving a…

Collaborative Law Allows for a Kinder Divorce

Collaborative Divorce When it’s time to divorce, spouses have important choices to make about how to proceed and what type of help they’ll ask for from others — including lawyers,…

Divorce Rates in the US Military

Military Divorce Rate vs. Civilians According to an MSNBC article, the divorce rate among soldiers has increased as military marriages suffered continuing stress from ongoing wars. According to the Associated…

What is “parentage”?

Parentage: What It Is and What It Means If a child’s parents are not married at the time of its birth,  establishing “parentage” indicates who the legal parents of the…

5 Reasons You Need a Prenuptial Agreement

Do you need a prenup? As a family law attorney, I feel that everyone contemplating marriage should consider a prenuptial agreement. However, drafting and signing a prenup isn’t for everyone….

Top 10 Best Houston Divorce Attorneys

Best Divorce Attorneys in Houston A hotly contested divorce is one of the most stressful situations a person can encounter during his or her lifetime. The parties may fight over…

What States Recognize Common Law Marriages?

Common Law Marriages Quick Answer: Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Iowa, Alabama, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, South Carolina, and Washington DC recognize common-law marriages. Common-law Marriage Laws Common-law marriage…

Divorce Basics

Divorce: A Simple Guide 2024 Divorce is never easy. It’s a difficult, emotional, and often confusing process for all involved. If you are currently going through a divorce, know that…

Arizona Child Support Calculations

Arizona child support is governed by a set of guidelines called the “Arizona Child Support Guidelines.”  These guidelines establish a formula which Arizona judges are required by statute to follow…

Effect of Divorce on Estate Plan

Why do people get married these days? The common reasons are love, money, religion, or some combination thereof. Divorce, on the other hand, often occurs in the later stages of…

Legal Rights for Fathers Explained

Can Fathers Win Child Custody? Child custody is a major component of separation and divorce proceedings when there are minor children involved in a dissolving marriage. Custody is the legal…

Divorcing a Narcissist

Divorce is difficult enough without the added stress of an emotionally abusive spouse. Discover strategies to protect spouses and keep the children out of the middle. In the beginning, married…

Are You Prepared for Divorce?

Short of a settlement, divorce litigation is replete with pitfalls that are frequently unavoidable. If the end of a marriage relationship is emotional for the parties, divorce litigation is similarly…

Relocating Your Child After Divorce

File a Notice of Intent to Relocate! When you are divorced and you are the primary residential parent to a child and your ex-spouse has visitation rights, relocating your child…

Canine Custody After Divorce

Is Your Dog Simply a Piece of Property? Does Florida even allow custody and visitation rights for a dog, a cat or other pet? A divorce lawyer says that the…

Texas Guardianship Code

Coming out the other side of a Guardianship Over the last few years there has been a spate of horror stories regarding guardianship law. However, the New York Post reminds…

Marriage Infidelity – Gut Check Time

Let’s face facts, not all marriages should be saved.  Sometimes the two partners just aren’t compatible and just can’t make things work. At other times there are real issues such…

When Divorce is The Only Option

When Is It Time For Divorce? There is no simple solution. Life can be that complex and difficult. Our partners don’t always react to life’s ups and downs the way…

Learn The Divorce Laws

Divorce – Messy and Difficult-  it’s true! You do not want to have a lawyer that never calls you or that never communicates with you. Before you hire a lawyer,…

Divorce, Debt and Credit Accounts

Most people understand the importance of good credit in starting a new, independent life after a divorce.  Unfortunately, many people find that their credit is damaged due to circumstances that…

Why Do Men Leave Their Wives?

Reasons Why Men Leave Today’s women sometimes find it challenging to keep their marriages alive and happy. Many women think about why men leave their wives and what they can…

Transferring IRA Assets During Divorce

In this article, we address divorce and transfer of Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Assets.  We focus on the Traditional IRA because the rules for transfers are more restrictive than for a…

Bankruptcy and Divorce

There are several issues to consider when contemplating a bankruptcy filing as part of a divorce.  Certain debts are dischargeable and others are not.  The following divorce related debts are…

How Do I Find A Good Divorce Lawyer?

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Recommendations Divorce is a trying and highly emotional time for the entire family. Women who are underemployed or stay-at-home moms now face uncertainty, and the…

Divorce and Claiming Your Child as a Dependent

The ability to claim the dependent child exemption can be a significant advantage for a divorced parent.  It’s important that this exemption be consciously planned for as part of the…

Impact of Retirement Account Split

An area where many individuals get into tax trouble is when splitting their Qualified Retirement Accounts (QRPs) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs).  Once you have come to the revelation that…

About The House In Your Name

Who is going to keep the house? Usually in a divorce, the couple that is divorcing needs to make the decision about who is going to keep the house. They…

Rhode Island Divorce Rights for Fathers

Rhode Island divorce rights for fathers are much improved from the way they used to be. There used to be a time when divorced fathers didn’t have many rights. Primary…

Alimony Laws in Rhode Island

To many, the idea of Rhode Island alimony is the fault of a court mandating payments made to an unworthy spouse, but as far as the law is concerned, it…

Uncontested Divorce in Rhode Island

A Rhode Island uncontested divorce is a preferable way of ending a marriage to many people. It usually implies that the two parties to the divorce are able to settle…

How to File for Divorce in Rhode Island

There are people who are pro to divorce, and there are those who have mixed emotions about this legal process. However, one thing is for sure, it is not easy…

Child Support Coaching Tip

Do you have an uncontested RI divorce in Rhode Island’s Family Court?  Or do you hope for one? It’s easy to make the same mistake some Rhode Island attorneys practicing…

More Uncontested Divorces in Rhode Island

Why does a Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer want to see more uncontested RI Divorces?  Doesn’t fighting and conflict in a Rhode Island divorce create a longer divorce and more fees…

Find Out How to Keep The House

When comes to keeping the house, you have to be realistic. Can you really buy them out, can you afford the payments on the house? You need to be completely…

How To Save Money on Your Divorce

You will want to figure out ways that you can save money when it comes to a divorce. It’s hard enough dealing with all the things that you are going…

Get Out Of That Mortgage!

When it comes to the divorce you have every right to think about the mortgage. If you don’t think that you’d be able to pay the mortgage of the home, then you should not go for the house. If you want out of the mortgage you may have some trouble.

Marital Property Division

If you are going through a divorce, you will likely have to divide your property. Depending on the circumstances of the breakup, this can get sticky. Many times, both parties feel as though they are entitled to more than the other is willing to part with. It is important to note that any property owned by either partner prior to the marriage will not be considered marital property and will not be included in the division.

Divorce and Spousal Support

Also known as alimony, spousal support is another sensitive issue in the divorce process. The purpose of spousal support is to ensure that a spouse who was financially supported by the other spouse does not experience a sudden change in lifestyle or a decreased standard of living. To ensure a fair outcome that both parties can accept, it’s important to hire a divorce lawyer with experience in these types of negotiations.

Children and Divorce

There are a lot of things to think about when children are involved in a divorce. During the divorce process, there are certain things that will have to be determined, including child support, custody, and visitation rights. This is often difficult as many parents believe they are more equipped to take care of the children after the split. A divorce lawyer can help secure an outcome that will be most suited for your situation while keeping your children’s best interests in mind.

More Divorce Topics

Alimony & Spousal Support

Alimony refers to the amount of money that one spouse must pay the other for support and maintenance after the dissolution of the marriage. The amount of support one spouse must provide the other following divorce is determined by court order. Alimony is intended to uphold the standard of living both spouses had during the...


Alternative Dispute Resolution

What is alternative dispute resolution? Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) provides a way of resolving a divorce case before it goes to court; the three primary methods are mediation, arbitration, and collaborative family law.  The effectiveness of ADR in your particular case depends on 1) the extent to which you disagree with your spouse about issues...


Best Divorce Lawyers and Divorce Attorneys

[no_toc]Divorce law is a subsection of family law covering the dissolution of marriages.  A divorce lawyer will have to deal with no-fault divorces, at-fault divorces, property division, child custody, and support payments.  As such, the attorney will need close attention to details, as what can seem to be a small detail to one party can...


Child Custody

Child custody is one of the most important and sensitive aspects of the divorce process. Child custody may be determined affably between two parents with a judge's approval or may be decided by a family judge in the event of a dispute. Though child custody statutes vary between states, the best interest of the child...


Child Support

Child Support in a Divorce Child support is the periodic payment from a non-custodial parent to a custodial parent, which helps compensate for a child's living expenses. During the divorce proceedings, the court may award primary or sole custody of a child to one parent. The court then orders the other parent to fulfill child...


Custody and Visitation Rights

Part of the divorce decree declares which spouse the children will with and the circumstances under which the other parent can visit them. While the details of this are often worked out before the divorce (with or without an attorney or mediator), in the event that an agreement cannot be reached, the court will make...


Discovery in the Divorce Process

After the initial filing of divorce papers, there is an exchange of information between spouses (this is the “discovery process”), concerning their individual economic, financial, and personal situations.  This includes the extent of their property ownership, debt, and income.  This is to enable the couple and their attorneys to begin formulating an equitable division of...


Division of Assets in a Divorce

Other than issues dealing with children, the thorniest issue in a divorce is often the division of personal property.  As much as possible, if you are able to divide your possessions amicably, you should.  First, no one has a better understanding of your assets and their value than you do.  Second, you should not rack...


Divorce Papers

Divorce papers are the legal documents that are involved in a divorce procedure. The laws governing divorce papers requirements can vary therefore it is important to be aware of what is required in your state. A qualified divorce attorney can be your best resource for understanding and properly handling your divorce papers in a way...


Divorce Process

What Happens in a Divorce? There are sometimes significant differences in the divorce process that depend on a couple's unique situation and on the divorce statutes of the state where the couple is divorcing. A Couple’s Circumstances If a couple has been married for a short time, have no kids, have little or no assets...


Effects of Divorce

The effects of divorce can be extremely disruptive to a person's life. Around 50% of marriages in America end up in divorce and the emotional aspects, in addition to having to sort out divisions of property and finances and custody, can create a very stressful situation. The purpose of a divorce is to terminate the...


Family Law

What is Family Law? [no_toc]Family law is an area of law that deals with family-related issues and domestic relations. It encompasses various legal issues, including marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption, and domestic violence. These issues can be emotionally charged and highly complex, so family law is considered one of the most challenging areas of law...


Online Divorce

With divorce rates so high, online divorce options have become available. Now, people wishing to get more information about divorce and to file for divorce online have many options to do so. The online divorce lawyers are able to inform the individuals of the pertinent divorce laws and advise them of their rights and options....


Paternity Testing

Importance Of Establishing Paternity Recently, I have received several different versions of the same question: “Is it really necessary to go through the process to establish paternity? We both know who the father is!” In some cases one parent isn’t sure how much the father wants to be involved in the child’s life and in...


Reasons for Divorce

There are many reasons for divorce that lead to the dissolution of a marriage. Reasons for divorce in the past had to show blame for the dissolution of the marriage against one of the spouses. Most states today have "no-fault" divorce which means that the reasons for divorce do not have to prove fault by...


State Divorce Laws

Divorce Law There has been a lot of talk in the news recently about what constitutes a traditional marriage. These discussions usually include advocacy for saving marriages. The harsh reality is that in American over 40% of all marriages end in divorce. The percentage of divorces actually increases the longer the marriage lasts. Couples married...


Contact a Divorce Lawyer in Your Area

Each state has its own set of laws that govern family law matters including divorce and other family law issues. Choosing the right family law attorney can make all the difference in the outcome of the case, as well as the experience as a whole. To speak with a qualified and compassionate divorce attorney near you, contact us today.