Nevada Laws regarding Marijuana
The state of Nevada currently gives more severe punishments for those guilty of cultivating, selling, distributing marijuana than those who are solely in the possession of marijuana. This state also allows some to use and possess marijuana legally for medical purposes. Medical purposes also allow the growth of a specific number of plants as well as the possession of a certain amount at one time.
Nevada requires that those who qualify for medical necessities to first have the proper documentation from a physician that states the medical need. All medical users who violate the guidelines of medical usage will be subject to criminal charges.
Nevada currently has treatment and rehabilitation programs for some marijuana offenders. State laws also require a tax stamp law and a one hundred-dollar per gram fee and a two hundred fifty-dollar registration fee.
All possession charges are based on the amount and age at the time of the arrest. Possessing less than one ounce on a first offense by an individual over the age of twenty-one is considered a misdemeanor offense. This kind of misdemeanor is punishable by treatment or rehabilitation and a fine of six hundred dollars.
Being over the age of twenty-one on a second offense of possessing less than one ounce is also a misdemeanor offense. This offense is penalized by a fine of one thousand dollars and treatment and rehabilitation.
A third offense of possessing less than an ounce by an individual over the age of twenty-one is considered a gross misdemeanor. This offense can earn up to one year of imprisonment and a fine up to two thousand dollars. All other possession offenses are considered Class E Felonies.
An individual possessing less than an ounce on a fourth offense can earn one to four years of imprisonment and a fine up to five thousand dollars. This is the same punishment for an individual under the age of twenty-one who possesses less than one ounce on a first or second offense. Fourth and third offenses by those under twenty-one have increased fines of five thousand dollars.
Sale and Cultivation
All sale and cultivation offenses are considered felony offenses. Selling or cultivating fewer than one hundred pounds can earn penalties between one year to fifteen years of incarceration and a fine up to twenty thousand dollars.
Selling or cultivating between one hundred and two thousand pounds can earn five years of imprisonment and twenty-five thousand dollars in fines.
The sale or cultivation of marijuana between two thousand and ten thousand pounds can earn two to twenty years in prison with a fifty thousand-dollar fine.
Cultivating or selling more than ten thousand pounds can earn life in prison and up to two hundred thousand dollars in fines.
The sale to minors has increased punishments that are considered the most severe felony offenses. First offenses of selling to minors can earn one year to twenty years in prison and variable fines.
Second offenses of selling to minors can be punished by life in prison and variable fines. Selling on or within one thousand feet of school property can earn double penalties of specified pounds amounts.