Georgia Lemon Laws Details
Whenever you buy a new car, you are advised to keep up with the suggested maintenance program. Typically this would mean taking your car in every 3,000 miles or so for an oil change.
As you put more miles on the car, there will be more items on that maintenance “to-do” list such as flushing out your transmission, replacing sparkplugs and rotating tires. All of this is meant to keep your car running at peak performance. The theory goes that if you hold up your end of the maintenance bargain, you’re car can run up to 100,000 miles. At least, that is the plan everyone would like to embrace.
However, there are some incidents where your new car breaks down because of a manufacturing detail. No matter how much preventive maintenance you take care, this defect is persistent. When that happens you might just be in possession of a lemon. The Georgia Lemon Law is on the books as Code 10-1-780 and sets up specific guidelines for how you can take care of this problem.
Georgia Lemon Law Qualifications
In order to reap the benefits of the Georgia Lemon Law your car needs to be newly purchased or leased. The title also has to be in your name. The car in question should be for your own personal use. If you bought the car for business, then it has to be with a business that buys less than 10 cars in order to qualify under this statue. Motorcycles or ATVs are not covered.
With motor homes, the chassis and motor are covered but not the living quarters. The lemon law period for these vehicles has to be within two years from the time you purchase the car or up to 24,000 miles.
Once the problem with your car pops up, you will naturally want to get it fixed. If after three attempts to fix the same problem it still does not work then it is time to activate the lemon law. You could skip over the three attempts if the problem is one that could cause severe bodily harm in a potential accident.
Georgia Lemon Law Remedies
If your car qualifies, the George Lemon Law allows you to enter into a process of arbitration between you and the car maker or their duly appointed representative. At this hearing, you will be expected to make your case. This should include all the repair reports, invoices and estimates. If you feel the need you could even bring in your mechanic as a “star witness.”
The car maker has to right to try and poke holes in your claim. However, as long as you have the proper documentation and can prove the defect is a result of a manufacturer’s issue rather than some damage you inflicted on the car then you should prevail.
Prevailing in this case means you are entitle to either get a replacement car or a full refund. For the replacement, you will be getting the same make and model. For the refund you will be getting all the money you have put out for the car including all the registration fees, taxes and the repair costs.
Also note that just because you turn in your car does not mean the car maker has to scrap the auto. They can resell the vehicle if they fix the problem, but it will need to carry notification that the car was once deemed a lemon.