
Theft Fraud Crimes

Fraud and Theft Crimes

Strategies for Fighting Fraud and Theft Crimes Charges Fraud and theft crimes are serious federal offenses that can have severe legal consequences. Understanding the nature of these crimes is crucial…

Identity Theft

What to Do If Your Identity Is Stolen

Identity Theft Identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in the United States. Nearly 10 million people are victimized each year, according to the Federal Trade Commission. Most families in America…

Theft by Receiving Georgia

OCGA Theft by Receiving

Theft by Receiving Stolen Property In Georgia You may think that buying or accepting property that was stolen absolves you from any wrongdoing. Pursuant to Georgia law, however, you could…

GA First Offender Act

Georgia First Offender Act

GA First Offender Act Sometimes people make serious mistakes that negatively affect their lives. Pleading guilty to even a minor crime could have long-lasting consequences. In Georgia, the First Offender…

Dispositive Motions

Dispositive Motions

What is a Dispositive Motion? When it comes to winning a legal case, dispositive motions are a powerful tool in a lawyer’s arsenal. A dispositive motion is a request made…

Open Container Law Arizona

Arizona Open Container Laws

Open Container Law Arizona Arizona has a very strict set of laws with very specific wording when it comes to the carrying of open containers in a vehicle. Being caught…

Emergency Custody Step-by-Step Guide

How to File Emergency Custody

Emergency Custody: A Step-by-Step Guide to Filing Charges If the petitioner, child, or sibling of the child is in danger, a court may find the basis for temporary emergency jurisdiction,…

Legal Limit for Blood Alcohol Content

Legal Limit for Blood Alcohol Content

Beyond the legal limit: Understanding how alcohol affects your body and driving skills For many people, drinking alcohol is a social activity that can be enjoyable and fun. However, it’s…